This construction features a 4” wall and ceilings with Ramped insulated floor, designed with R32 PC-20 polyurethane freezer core insulation. The wall panels come with NSF gaskets and cam-lock together, as well as NSF floor Screeds. It is EISA compliant and NSF Certified. The panel finish is made of 26-gauge stucco embossed galvanized steel. The door is a standard 36” x 78” overlap door with a latch that includes an inside safety release, a cam-rise hinge, and is right hand hinged. The door also includes a factory-installed hydraulic door closer. Additional accessories include a surface mount light switch with pilot, 2-1/2" dial thermometer, base coving, ceiling cap, and light fixture. For more details, please contact us. Price excludes refrigeration and delivery, which are both available upon request.